Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year

My New Years Resolution
I am putting this in writing so you can all hold me accountable.
I Melissa Smith, hearby shun all desserts and candy until I lose ten pounds.
Hi I am melissa and I am a candyaholic. I truley am it is day 8 and I have had a slight headache for about six days now. My candy addiction confirms my testimony of the word of wisdom. I would be a raging alcoholic. Come on it is candy for heaven sakes. Well I am addicted with a capital A.
I am doing it to build self control. Keep my brand spankin new teeth in tip top condition. Reign my children in so they can break the addiction cycle. And lose ten pounds. I try this every year. I once made it to August. (that is a fab story in itself, I cracked hard core) So a whole year, I have decide is unrealistic. So I will try to give myself a goal. The more I want candy, the more disciplined I will be in my eating habits.
My husband bought me six new front teeth this year and they are beautiful. So I want to protect the investment. I would hate to be in the middle of a delicious cinammon bear and have a thousand dollars become dislodged to unveil a not so pretty spiked tooth. That will be my next blog. Before and after shots of my teeth. Everyone keeps asking for pictures.
My next driving force is my children. They are candy hounds. They can smell candy across the room. If you sneak a small piece in your mouth, in a flash they are in your face. "what ya eating" They hear the crinkle of a wrapper and I have four small birds at my feet with there beaks open and begging.