Sunday, May 4, 2008


I am having cold feet about moving to Utah. I will sure miss texas, and especially Lubbock. I actually fasted and prayed for MONTHS for some miracle that we wouldn't have to move here. Now I look back and feel some of our best years and memories have been here. I am sure I will feel that way about utah too. I will love it when I get there. But for now my feet are cold and my heart is heavy.


The Doctors Wife said...

It is always hard leaving a place that holds so many memories of the kids. It was hard for us to leave Fort Worth and I can already tell it will be hard to leave San Antonio. best of luck.

Kathleen said...

I didn't realize your roots were so deep. I know that Andrea will love having you in Utah. Dylan needs to see his Aunt Missy. Andrea claims he has your toes. Go figure!

Kathleen said...

I didn't realize your roots were so deep. I know that Andrea will love having you in Utah. Dylan needs to see his Aunt Missy. Andrea claims he has your toes. Go figure!

Matt "The Bull" said...

I have cold feet and I am here already.

my expectations are gargantuan.

jaemiheaps said...

I cant wait to see you!!!!!


Hey it's Amanda (Huntsman) Bawden Jaemi told me about your blog. Your family is adorable and I can't believe you have 4 kids. I was laughing thinking about the good times in your front yard playing. I know lots of people are way excited you are coming back to Utah. I am so happy I can keep in touch with you through your blog. Take care and maybe I will see you soon when you get back to Utah!

Aly said...

That sounds like a really hard thing to get through! I've always lived in the same place (Utah:)! Your blog is so cute, it is fun to see pictures of your kids! I can't beleive how big Staley is! I still remember her as a 2 year old!! Remember the day's of trading babysitting!! I was telling Annie about it, she said she thought it would be fun to meet Staley again!! Kim is so excited that your moving back! Maybe we will get to see you guys again, that would be so fun!!

April said...

Well, you know if it doesn't work out, you're always welcome here in Houston! Once a Texan, always a Texan! We think no matter where you go you to, you will be a great addition and wherever you leave, you will be sorely missed. Hallmark of a great family.

jessica said...

Hey Melissa, this is Jessica "Christian". I found your blog from Ashley and Ben's blog. Send me an email yourulejch at yahoo. I am private, so I have to invite you. I haven't seen you in years! I hope you are doing well!

Lance and Alayna said...

Well, I am not there right now, but I am excited that you guys are moving back. We will be there in a couple more years and we will have to get the weekly Settlers game going.

Days of Our Lives said...

If you get to Utah and you change your mind we will always take you back!
