Sunday, March 30, 2008

Junk for Sale!!!

In attempt to declutter our move and house selling efforts. Yesterday, I had a GARAGE SALE. I had been stock piling CRAP in the garage for the last several months. I had several very large boxes. So I was excited to have this great yard sale. My husband was not on board with my plan. He is a BIG fan of just throwing it in the dumpster. So I was on my own. (I say this as he was inside watching all four kids, cleaning the house, shuttling to the primary activity and birthday parties.) So I sat outside in the cold while people sifted through my JUNK.. The thing that struck me about the yard sale was the cars that pulled up. A jag, several brand spankin new suburbans, several lexus and about 20 big f150 chromed out mac daddy trucks. In the first hour of the yard sale I made 70 dollars in the next three hours I made 28. So the pros arrive early buy all the good stuff and then you sit and nickle and dime yourself the rest of the day. At 12:30 WE (MATT) took several large boxes of JUNK to goodwill. I think I learned my lesson. NO more garage sales. We are too hard on our stuff who wants to buy a shirt three little girls have stained 10 times.


The Doctors Wife said...

I'm glad you shared this experience because I have a pile in my garage for a sale and Mike keeps telling me just to take it to Goodwill. I think we would get a better tax write off anyway then what I would get after paying for the permit. Hope you all are doing well.
Julie Stratton

Andrea said...

You just need to be a little less attached to your junk and accept a dime or a quarter for your thrice stained shirts. Otherwise have fun spending your $98 on new junk.

jaemiheaps said...

Everyone has to have a yard sale at least once in their

Jennie said...

I still have never had a yard sale. I've thought about it. I have so much junk!! Toys especailly!

I'm glad you finally put my name back up on your link list. I was starting to get a complex. J/K!

Love Ya!

Matt "The Bull" said...

I'll sift through your junk :p

Angie said...

Amen and amen. I also had ONE garage sale and resolved never again. My junk is just one step from the dumpster.

Anonymous said...

If it belonged to my grand kids, save it for me :)

kristi and family said...

Hi Melissa.... I feel your pain about garage sales... we did one last summer before we moved too... fun times.. Can't wait for you to come here.. You are going to LOVE it.. Come move by me NOT Tooele.. See ya,

jtb said...


Hopefully you forget this experience very soon because you need to help your mother sell all of her stuff on Craig's List or in a big moving sale. Back up some of those big Mac Daddy Trucks and haul away her beds...