Monday, March 17, 2008

My husband the Fix-it-man.

Well my NEW front loading washer has been on the fritz for the last week or so. The laundry piles up pretty quick around here. Since we are trying to sell our house that is unacceptable. I was dreading calling the repair man because we are really on this dave ramsey path and wanting to put every cent towards our debt. So I just hoped denial would fix the problem. I continued to push start to no avail. Well my husband who is a freakin genius, just jumped on the internet searched some repair forums and whamo we were up and running again in about thirty minutes. That should have cost me 200 bucks. I am so excited. He is amazing. He also changed almost every light fixture in our house. refer to picture below. He shocked himself about four times. But we now have all updated light fixtures. I don't know how I got so lucky. I think my next post will be top ten awesomes about my husband.


Matt "The Bull" said...

Thankyou honey; please add 200 "bones" to my congigal visit account. :p

BugHunter said...

Did you get remarried? I'm confused. Is this my brother we're talking about?

melissa smith said...

LOL LOL LOL I know it is a shocker but he is pretty amazing lately

Angie said...

Wow..a budget can do a lot for your marriage. Maybe I need to start listening to this Ramsey-guy. :)