Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The lost Tooth

Warning: If you have a weak stomach or are easily grossed out STOP READING!!!

I was wandering around walmart getting my groceries for our yearly trip to smith family fishing ranch. When I saw heaven in a bag!! 5 lbs of delicious cinnamon bears. My gut told me not to get them. They wreak havoc on dental work, which I am in no short supply of. So Monday I am eating a little piece of cinnamon heaven and out comes my crown. (very last tooth on the right) Luckily not my front teeth. That would have scared the women and children. We are out in the middle of no where no dentist for miles and still 5 days left of vacation. I washed off the tooth and rammed it back on. It came out 2 or 3 times while at the ranch.. I washed it off and back in the mouth. Well we got home late Friday night. All dentist offices closed for the weekend. Saturday night we were on our way out the door to a Delicious meal and I took a small bite of brinley's mac and cheese. (i think mentally I am still 5. Cinnamon bears and mac and cheese still have power over me.) I swallowed my tooth. Yep seven hundred dollars down the toilet. literally. Well there are a lot of things I would love to spend 7oo dollars on. None of which are a new shining crown in the very back of my mouth. So matt and I devised a plan. My plan: strain the poop for a few days. Matts plan poop in a ziploc seal it and feel around for a big porcelin lump. Brilliant. Well to spare you all the yummy details. Matts plan worked. On the second bag of course. I wasted 30 monutes kneading poop in a ziploc before I could logically understand why it wasn't in there. All the food I ate at the yummy restaurant after I swallowed the tooth (beans and corn) were very clearly in there. So second bag, I found the tooth in just a few minutes. And yes the tooth is now safe and sound cemented back in my MOUTH!!!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!!! that is one very funny (and gross) story, but i'm pretty sure to save 700 bucks i would have done the same!

Chris and Erin said...

That is truly disgusting. But hey to save $700 I would have done it too!

Melissa Wilson said...

I am laughing SO hard right now...that is so sick! How are you guys liking Tooele? We wish you were going to be back in Lubbock when we come back in a few weeks!

Kathleen said...

I applaud your genius! I can't think about it too long without gagging, though....

Jennie said...

Miss! Wow! The measures you went to so you could save $700. All I have to say is "Have you learned your lesson?" Next time just leave the crown out until you get a dentist to cement it for you. Silly, girl! I'm excited to see you tomorrow, I'm going to play bunco with you crazy girls. I've been dying to see your grill. Can't wait!!!

wood0306 said...

WOW.... That is so Nasty ;) What were you thinking... However reminds me of a time at Snow when you did have a problem with your front tooth. And had to do the emergency fix at the dentist :) Funny, you're Crazy!

Jason and Audrey said...

Melissa, you are awesome! ha ha! I think I would have done it too....but man...that is pretty gross! :) YOu are so frugal!

Rachel said...

Totally gross, but equally funny!!

The Doctors Wife said...

I can totally picture you guys doing this. Not so sure I would be brave enough but heck to save $700 I guess so.

Matt "The Bull" said...

the zip lock bags are still in the trash cans outside. We have plenty of flies.

Precept said...

Now collecting poop? Missy, what is this Brimhall family coming to. It's not bad enough to shame the sidewalks? Now you are also hitting the baggies. My oh my...heather

wishing you luck onyour tri!

Nordy's said...

Oh... I really can't think of anything to say, I am laughing too hard... Leave it to the Smith family!!!

The Davis Family Three said...

That is the most awesome story I have ever heard! That is one that should be passed down from generation to generation ;)! Thanks for the great laugh!

jessica said...

I would do the same thing. In fact I lost an earring a few days ago. I thought Braden ate it. So for a couple of days I would search his poop for my earring. I still haven't found it. It may have gone down the shower drain.


I can't believe you didn't even tell me this story - I had to read it on your blog!! That is so funny - what were you thinking when you got the ziplock bag "should I use quart size or GALLON size because I REALLY have to go!!!???"

Susan said...

If it makes you feel any better, Lonnie said for $700 he would "pull something out of his butt and put it in his mouth too".....


Matti said...

That is hillarious! You don't know me. I just randomly found your blog through my sister-in-law Rachel Wood's blog. Anyway, I was intrigued by your title "My kids mom" cause I am an avid Dr. laura listener and I assume that's where you got your title. Anyway, so I wanted to see what your life as a mom is like. Anyway, hope I didn't make you uncomfortable scanning your blog to learn about your life. Good luck with the triathalon. I'm 4 mo. pregnant, but that sounds fun when I'm not so tired next year. I'll have to see if they have any of those in the Hawaii area. Anyway, glad you found your tooth. I'd do the same. Hopefully I don't have that problem in the future. I have 3 crowns thus far. (pregnancy wreaks havoc on my teeth).